Case studies

Webbaserat videoinspektion

VA-Online är en molntjänst för dokumentation, lagring och leveranser av inspektions projekt inom VA (vatten och avlopp). Uppgifterna förs in i en databas och kan skickas till slutkunden (kommuner och privata fastighetsägare) med hjälp av en molnbaserad interaktiv presentation. Produkten ägs av företaget Sweves AB och är ute på marknaden sedan 2012. Nu har de bland sina kunder som NCC, Svensk Röranalys, BCT, Puls, ISAB med flera.

The mission

Svewes AB had an idea to build a powerful, web-based system for inspection of water and sewage pipes according to the Swedish inspection standard. As all competitor solutions were single Windows-based programs with slow updates, poor support, and frequent error messages, the company wanted to turn the stagnant market around and deliver a more modern solution.

With 16 years of experience in the industry as trained inspectors, the team behind Svewes AB had a clear understanding of how the system should function to deliver the best to users and their end customers.

The mission was to create a web-based system for inspection companies, where each company would have their own dedicated portal with their own database. The company could have an unlimited number of users, projects, inspections, and other data, and handle large workloads. In the system, users should be able to create and manage documentation for inspection projects according to Swedish Water standards, create protocols, and interactive presentations for customers directly in their web browsers.

Inspections consist of large amounts of video files that inspectors retrieve from their robots and input into the system as project materials. We needed to build a dedicated video conversion system (similar to a YouTube) to handle large video files (up to 8GB) and convert them into more web-friendly formats.

In the future, we would also be able to mark all inspected stretches on a Google map. Import PDF drawings and mark where the pipes are, with dynamically presented information on where the faults have occurred according to the inspection protocol. Have a quotation/order system for customers to quickly convert them into projects. And many more features that facilitate the work for inspectors and customers.

As an addition, an offline Windows program, built in C#, would be presented with constant connection to the cloud system. The program would connect to drivers for inspection robots, control them, record videos, and retrieve measurements from detectors. In the program, the user would be able to create inspection projects, mark all observed faults, and immediately synchronize the results with the online system.

Group 2 (2)

Develit's solution

The concept seemed very interesting and the market showed a high demand. As the system was very complex and its development would involve significant investment in development costs, we reached an agreement with the client for a discounted price in exchange for a share in the company. After all contracts were signed, we began with project planning.

We chose to build the system on our own-developed PHP engine - Cybertooth Engine. The system was distributed across 6 physical servers that could handle high workloads and large amounts of data in the most secure and productive way.

The development of the initial draft took over 8 months, after which we test-launched the system on the market. After receiving a lot of feedback and requests for improvements and new features from customers, and an additional 3 months, the system was in production.

It is now gradually rolling out in the market and is one of the largest systems in the industry. Currently, we are responsible for further development of the system, server operations and maintenance, as well as technical support. More information about the service can be found at:




Sweves AB



Used technologies

C#, PHP, JS,
MySQL, VLC, Reddis

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