Case studies

Web-based warehouse management system

Belstroj AB is a large company in the construction industry in the Greater Stockholm area. With over 400 employees, Belstroj AB achieved a turnover of over 600 million SEK in 2020. The company's operations extend across Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine.

The mission

Belstroj AB now has an advanced business system that we continuously develop and have been responsible for the operation of since 2012. During these years, we developed many features for the customer. Below, we describe a selection of the most extensive parts of the system.

The first part of the assignment was to create a web-based business system for Belstroj's internal use. The purpose of the system was to introduce digitized control over all tools and consumables used by the company. Numerous devices are brought in and out of the company's workplaces daily and used for dozens of different objects in production. With the help of the new system, it is possible to clearly see where equipment is located and how much material is consumed or in stock. Digitized overview and control through the system facilitate the daily planning of all purchases and transportation for the logistics department.

The second part of the assignment was to automatically calculate the cost of the equipment per day based on the purchase price or leasing conditions. With the help of the system, it is also possible to calculate how much it costs for an object to have a tool per day and how much material has been consumed during the period. The purpose was to facilitate the planning of the logistics behind the project, be able to see all statistical reports on the project's economy and consumption, and quickly return unused tools to the warehouse to avoid unnecessary burden on a project.

The third part of the assignment was to introduce digitized inventory for all project managers through a web application written in HTML5, where the responsible persons for a project receive a list once a month. The list is a compilation of all tools and equipment that should be available at the site on that specific date according to the system's records. By opening the application and checking off what is available at the site, as well as what is not, and what has been returned, a digital report on the status of the object can be quickly created. With the help of the report, the logistics department can adjust inventory and project finances and obtain monthly statistics.

The fourth part of the assignment was to fulfill a request to have a detailed overview of Belstroj's hundreds of employees and also see the tools, clothes, and equipment distributed to employees from the warehouse. The purpose was to organize the warehouse and purchases related to the staff and have a better overview of lost inventory and those responsible for the loss.


Group 2 (1)

Develit's solution

The customer contacted us in the winter of 2012 and talked about their needs to streamline and digitize processes within the company in order to reduce administrative costs and minimize losses. They considered the control of tools and movements to be disorganized.

Before the meeting, the customer researched the existing solutions on the market, none of which could meet the customer's needs entirely. The costs to customize existing software were also high. The customer's request was to start by creating a small, but customized business system, targeted and adapted to their needs. For this, an MVP system was needed, where the company could first test the concept without spending large sums and have the opportunity to further develop the system.

The results from the MVP product were much better than expected. Since then, the system has gained many new features and capabilities that daily facilitate the work for hundreds of the company's employees. The system also keeps track of tens of thousands of tools and machines.

Develit keeps the system constantly updated, implements new requested features, and is responsible for the operation and maintenance.



Belstroj AB



Used technologies

PHP, JS, Vue.JS, Ionic
MySQL, Reddis, Rabbit MQ

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